Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 5, 2011

The Shaggy D.A.

A lawyer makes an interesting discovery that could affect his chances of getting elected to office.

The Shaggy D.A.

The Shaggy D.A.

Sequel to the 1959 movie about a boy who gets turned into a dog because of an ancient ring which some say is cursed. Today the boy, Wilby Daniels is a grown man, a lawyer and with a family. When they're robbed and Wilby tries to report it to police but only gets the run around, he decides to run for District Attorney or D.A. Because he believes that the current D.A. John Slade is not only doing his job but is on the take. When Daniels publicly denounces Slade, Slade decides to try and get something on him. And he might have found it when the ring that turned him into ! a dog when he was a boy is stolen from the museum and when the words inside are read, he turns into a dog. Written by

Wilby Daniels, a successful lawyer running for District Attorney, suddenly finds himself being transformed into an English sheepdog. Somehow he has to keep his change a secret and find just what is causing it, all the while eluding the local dog catcher. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher <>

With his family's happy support, Wilby Daniels decides to try and get elected District Attorney in place of dishonest John Slade. But then robbers steal the magic Borgia ring that made things a bit difficult for Wilby as a lad. Once again he keeps turning into a large woolly dog at awkward moments. Unless he can get the ring back his chances of winning the election don't look good, as mean old Slade soon realises too. Written by Jeremy Perkins <>!

Genres: Comedy Family Fantasy

Rele! ase year : 1976

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